CNA Interview Questions

If you are a CNA or certified nursing assistant who recently passed the certification exam, you are now looking for prospective jobs to apply in. Passing the exam is just one of the milestones that you have conquered in your CNA career. The next step is to get hired. 

CNA job interviews are required when you apply for nursing homes, hospitals, or long-term care facilities. You need to be able to make a good impression and make the employer hire you based on how well you answer the questions.

💡How to get ready for a CNA interview?

You should prepare for the CNA interview questions. There are three main things that most employers will ask you about: Personal Qualities, Experience, and Future Goals. You have to know how to answer them in such a way that you’ll be able to show your determination to get the job. 

Here are some general CNA interview questions that you can answer for a start:

Tell us about yourself.

You have to portray yourself in a different way that will make them more curious about you. You can share your accomplishments and struggles. You can also talk about the reason why you decided to apply there, and who you are as a CNA. 

Why do you want to be a Certified Nursing Assistant?

You have to answer this question in a way that it will help show your knowledge and expertise as a CNA. You have to impress your interviewers with the skills that you have and your willingness to learn more. You also need to be able to show how determined you are to perform your tasks.   

What are your strengths as a CNA?

You have to highlight your strengths to the interviewer. It should not be too much that it would seem like you are bragging. You need to be humble and give credible support to your statements.

What are your weaknesses as a CNA?

You have to state the challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. You know your faults and weaknesses, but you also showed how you were capable of solving them. You don’t just state your weaknesses, but you also have to state how determined you are in overcoming them.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

You have to give them the assurance that you will stay for a long time if you are hired. They would want to accept those who will stay with the company or institution and not those who will easily leave.

Aside from those common questions, there are also CNA situational interview questions that are often asked. Interviewers would want to know your experience when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. You have to state your experience and how you handled it. Some common situational questions are: “Describe a time when you dealt with a difficult patient or client.” or  “What would you do if a patient refuses care?”.  You have to answer them as best as you can by explaining how you solved such situations to the best of your abilities.

Moreover, if you also want to pass the interview, you can try to search for CNA interview questions and answers or CNA hospital job interview questions and answers on the internet. You can practice how you’ll answer by going through those guide questions. 

Furthermore, according to the book CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Cram, these are the personal qualities that one should look for in a CNA:


A CNA must be truthful when it comes to interacting with other people, especially patients. In this profession, honesty is an important trait that is needed because being open and frank will make other people trust you more. 


A CNA must be someone who knows how to care and feel for others. It is one of the most important qualities that requires you to consider other people’s feelings and emotions. 


A CNA must always be respectful no matter the circumstances. They should not discriminate and instead be someone who cares for others without limitations and boundaries. 


A CNA must be above all someone that can be relied on. You are employed because you have the knowledge and expertise when it comes to taking care of other people. You know how to show your commitment when it comes to your job. 

Those are just some of the personal characteristics that a CNA must have. If you can answer the CNA job interview questions with these qualities in mind, you’ll no doubt be accepted for employment.

🙋CNA Questions

What should you wear for the CNA job interview?

You can wear semi-formal or formal business attire. The key is to look presentable, and neat. You must make a good impression on the interviewers when they meet you. Your appearance will give them an indication of your personality and traits.

What should you bring for the interview?

You should bring copies of your resumes, your CNA certification documents, and if required, your CPR card. You can also bring a list of references and letters of recommendation. 

Should CNA be tested for health issues?

Yes. One of the CNA job requirements is to have specific documentation for your physical and mental health. As someone who works in the medical profession, you have to be in good health to be able to help others.   

What would you wear to work in a nursing home?

It depends on the rules and regulations of the place where you work. Some employers require their workers to wear uniforms. The uniforms should always be cleaned and ironed. For those who are not required to wear uniforms, they should be wearing presentable clothes for work. It must be professional and it should also be appropriate for the kind of work that they’ll do. 

Is a CNA the same as a Health Care Assistant?

No, they are not the same. Although there are a lot of similarities, such as they both provide patient care, the difference is that CNAs have more specific duties than that of health care assistants.

What is an acute care nursing experience?

It is an experience that revolves around acute care. Acute care is when nurses care for patients in only a short amount of time. These patients are those who are severely ill or injured. They take care of these patients during recovery or until they are in a stable condition. If the patients need care for a longer time, then it will become chronic care.

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