GED Math Test #6


Which one of the following is accurate?

Correct! Wrong!

√ is the representation of the square root. Negative values have undefined square roots.

Information about one employee is listed on a small business wage sheet. When an employee works longer than their regular 26 hours, they are paid $40 per hour. What number can substitute for x?

Correct! Wrong!

Their salary for 26 hours is 26 x 25 = $650, and their overtime pay is $850 x 650 = $200.

The total amount of hours worked in overtime is $200÷$40 = 5.

x is 5.

Ryan is interested in booking a party room at the Fun Zone Arcade for his daughter. He has a maximum spending limit of $275. The price is $21 per child, plus a $40 reservation fee. What is the maximum number of youngsters that will be able to attend the party?

Correct! Wrong!

Subtract the reservation charge from the total budget as follows:
Then divide the remaining funds by the cost per child to get the number of children who will be able to attend:
Rounding up to 12 children would exceed the budget, and 11.19 children are impossible, so round down to 11.

The temperature in a refrigerator at time t hours after midday is represented by the graph, which is a portion of the graph for the function T = (t + 1)(t - 3). Which collection of t values has a temperature below zero?

Correct! Wrong!

Even though T is negative for 1 < t < 3, when t= 3 T = 0.

T >= 0 for t >= 3

T > 0 for t < -1.

T < 0 or negative when -1< t < 3

In 5 days, ten people can paint a building. How much of the building could 7 individuals paint in 5 days if each person paints as quickly as the others?

Correct! Wrong!

In 5 days, ten people can paint a building. In 5 days, each person paints a tenth of the building.
7 individuals would paint 7/10 of the building in 5 days.
Seven individuals would paint 7/10 of the building in five days.

Come up with a number, add 10 then multiplies the number that is generated by 3 and get 42. If the number is n then write a formula.

Correct! Wrong!

10 is added to n to give n + 10. The result of multiplying the integer by three is 3(n + 10). This is equal to 42 when multiplied by 3(n + 10).

Based on a study of 300 New York consumers, the market share of five cleaning products is shown in this pie chart.

B has a 198 degree angle. How many customers bought B?

Correct! Wrong!

There were 300 persons that bought cleaner in total, and there are 360 degrees in a circle.

The number of people that purchased B was 198/360 x 300, which is 165.

Based on a study of 300 New York consumers, the market share of five cleaning products is shown in this pie chart.

Which two brands' market shares are comparable?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the sectors, the market share is proportionate. The size of the sectors for A and D is comparable. The market shares of A and D are comparable.

What is the value of x that gives y = 15 - 3x and y = 0?

Correct! Wrong!

y =15 - 3x and y = 0
Hence 15 - 3x = 0
Plug 5 in for x.
15 - 3(5) = 0


Correct! Wrong!



a+b = 5 and ab = 4

Both 4 and 1 meet these requirements. Hence,


Using the FOIL method, you can verify the answer.

Eight equal sectors make up the circle. What is the possibility that B or C will be present in a sector selected at random?

Correct! Wrong!

8 sectors are present. B or C are present in 5 of the sectors. 8 divided by 5 equals 62.5%. There is a 62.5% chance that B or C are present in the sector.

Johnny invests $100 in 100 shares of stock. He sells 50 shares after the price rises by 10%. Then, after a 10% reduction in price, he sells his remaining 50 shares. What did he get paid for the last 50?

Correct! Wrong!

The stock first climbed by 10%, or $10 (10% of $100), to $110 per share. The price was then reduced by $11 (10 percent of $110), resulting in a sale price of $110-$11 = $99 per share, and a sale price of 99 x $50 = $4950 for 50 shares.

1 meter = 100 centimeters in the metric system, and 1 meter: 1 foot = 3.25:1.

Correct! Wrong!

3.25 feet = 1 meter
1 foot = 1÷3.25 meters
21 feet = 21×1÷3.25 = 6.4615 meters

Based on a study of 300 New York consumers, the market share of five cleaning products is shown in this pie chart.

45 of the customers bought D. What is the size of the D sector angle?

Correct! Wrong!

Of the 300 customers present, 45 bought brand D.

The angle for D is 0.15 360 = 54 degrees, which is the sector angle for D. The percentage of shoppers that bought D was 45/300.


Correct! Wrong!


A 12% sales tax is applied. A cell phone costs $280 before taxes. How much tax is due on this cell phone?

Correct! Wrong!

The phone costs $1.12 x 280, or $313.60, to buy. $33.60 - $280 = $33.60 is the tax.

Two equal sides make up an isosceles triangle. What is the perimeter of a triangle with two sides of 5 inches and two sides of 2 inches?

Correct! Wrong!

If the other side is only 5 inches long, the two shorter sides will not be able to meet.
The perimeter is 5 + 5 + 2 = 12 and is the distance around the edge of the triangle.

Find the value of a for s = 7, b = 13, and c = -24 using the formula a = s^2 + 3b - c.

Correct! Wrong!

In substitute for s, b, and c.
a = 7^2 + 3(13) – (-24)
a = 49 + 39 + 24 = 112.

Sort the following four fractions from smallest to largest:1/4, 2/3, 4/7, 1/2

Correct! Wrong!

If 1/4, 2/3, 4/7, 1/2 are converted to decimals we get 0.25, 0.6666...., 0.571....., 0.5 then the correct order is obvious
If 1/4, 2/3, 4/7, 1/2 are converted to fractions with a common denominator 21/84, 56/84, 48/84, 42/84 then the correct order is obvious.

What is the distance between -3/7 and -2/3 on a number line?

Correct! Wrong!

Absolute values (|a| or abs(a)) can be used to find the distance between two numbers.
abs(-3/7 -2/3) is the distance between these two values.
= abs(-(3/7 -2/3))
= abs(3/7 -2/3)
= abs(9/21 - 14/21)
= abs(-5/21 )

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