
M1 Motorcycle Practice Test 1


A flashing green light at an intersection, where turns to the left and right are permitted, means

Correct! Wrong!

At night when you must meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights, the safest thing to do is:

Correct! Wrong!

When you must meet another vehicle with blinding bright lights at night, the safest thing to do is to look slightly to the right-hand side of the road. This technique is called "glancing" or "defocusing" and helps to reduce the glare from the oncoming headlights, making it easier to see the road and maintain control of your vehicle.

What documents may a police officer require a motor vehicle owner to provide?

Correct! Wrong!

A police officer may require a motor vehicle owner to provide any or all of the above documents during a traffic stop or when investigating an incident involving the vehicle. These documents are essential for verifying the vehicle's ownership, insurance coverage, and the driver's legal right to operate the vehicle.

Before moving your car from a parked position, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Before moving your car from a parked position, you should follow these steps to ensure a safe and smooth maneuver:

• Check Other Traffic
• Signal Your Intentions
• Check Blind Spots
• Yield To Traffic
• Pull Away from the Curb
• Maintain Safe Speed

By following these steps, you ensure that you can safely join the flow of traffic from a parked position, minimizing the risk of accidents and contributing to a safer driving experience for everyone on the road. Always exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings when pulling away from a parked position.

If a motorcycle rider wishes to stop his/her vehicle, while stopping, s/he must watch for traffic

Correct! Wrong!

When a rider wants to stop his/her motorcycle, s/he must watch the traffic behind before taking the next steps.

Class M1 licensed motorcyclists driving at night should do the following to prevent accidents

Correct! Wrong!

Class M1 licence holders are not allowed to drive at night due to their insufficient experience.

If you are involved in an accident in which someone is injured, you must:

Correct! Wrong!

If you are involved in an accident in which someone is injured, you must report the accident immediately to the nearest provincial or municipal police office. In many jurisdictions, it is a legal requirement to report any accident that results in injuries, no matter how minor the injuries may seem.

When a motorist reaches a through intersection where s/he may not need to stop, s/he must

Correct! Wrong!

Whenever a motorist reaches a through intersection, s/he must yield to pedestrians and other vehicles as per the right-of-way rules.

To legally drive on a highway in the 400 series or anything similar, you must have who with you?

Correct! Wrong!

There is no general requirement to have a licensed driving instructor accompany you to legally drive on a highway in the 400 series or similar roads in Ontario, Canada.

High speed wobble for a motorcycle can be prevented

Correct! Wrong!

High speed wobble can be prevented by slowly closing the throttle and reducing the speed without applying the brakes.

The broken centerline on a roadway means you may:

Correct! Wrong!

A broken centerline on a roadway means that passing is allowed when the way is clear and it is safe to do so. The broken centerline indicates that traffic in both directions is permitted to pass or change lanes when it is safe and legally allowed.

While making a turn, the passenger on a motorcycle must

Correct! Wrong!

The driver as well as the passenger must lean in the direction of the turn.

Which of the following three documents are required for motorcycle riders in Ontario?

Correct! Wrong!

Insurance liability card, valid driver's licence, and vehicle ownership documents are required for all drivers in Ontario.

In which of the following situations will the motorcycle rider need to shift his/her weight to the rear end?

Correct! Wrong!

If a front tire blows, the motorcyclist must try to steer straight and shift his/her weight to the rear to control the vehicle.

In what position on the roadway must you be, before making a left turn from a one way traffic street:

Correct! Wrong!

Before making a left turn from a one-way traffic street, you must position your vehicle close to the left side of the roadway. This positioning allows you to prepare for the left turn and provides sufficient space for other vehicles to pass on your right while you wait for a safe gap in oncoming traffic.

When does the law require lights on vehicles to be turned on:

Correct! Wrong!

The best way to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway is to:

Correct! Wrong!

It is more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during day time:

Correct! Wrong!

It is generally more dangerous to drive at the maximum speed limit at night than during the daytime due to reduced visibility. Several factors contribute to decreased visibility at night, making driving more challenging and potentially hazardous:

If you are a fully licensed driver 21 years of age and over and if you register a BAC ____ , you will receive an immediate three-day licence suspension for a first offence.

Correct! Wrong!

If you register a BAC from .05 to .08 (known as the “warn range”), you will receive an immediate driver’s licence suspension. For a first occurrence, you will be suspended for three days.

Alcohol can impair the driver's ability to

Correct! Wrong!

Alcohol impairs the driver's ability to control, turn, or stop the motorcycle.

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M1 Motorcycle Practice Test #2

Nathan Beja

Published by
Nathan Beja
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