U.S. History Practice Test


Which of the following guarantees equal rights to all citizens and was ratified as a condition to end reconstruction?

Correct! Wrong!

All of the following were Cold War responses to Soviet aggression EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following states would be considered in the Great Plains?

Correct! Wrong!

World War 1 saw the introduction of all of the following dangerous new weapons EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

Which letter on the map displays the area that was divided into California and provided for popular sovereignty in the remaining territory under the Compromise of 1850?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the major contributor which caused the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s?

Correct! Wrong!

The Principle of popular sovereignty was enacted by which of these legislative agreements?

Correct! Wrong!

The tradition of serving as president for no more than two full terms was first established by:

Correct! Wrong!

The first slaves introduced to the American colonies arrived in 1619 in the colony of:

Correct! Wrong!

To address concerns that the Constitution failed to safeguard individual liberties, supporters of the Constitution promised the passage of:

Correct! Wrong!

All of the following are true of the Battle of Britain EXCEPT:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following would most likely have contributed to job reductions in the U.S. automotive industry?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following events led most directly to the U.S. involvement in World War 2?

Correct! Wrong!

MAJOR LEGISLATION OF THE GREAT SOCIETY: Economic Opportunity Act (1964)- To inaugurate the war on poverty programs Medicare Act (1965)- provide government medical care for the elderly Higher Education Act (1965)- provide grants for student loans and university construction Based on this legislation, it is fair to conclude that the Great Society:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following legislative acts did the most to increase voting among African Americans?

Correct! Wrong!

Which Supreme Court Case established the power of the courts to declare a law unconstitutional?

Correct! Wrong!

"Throughout the 19th and 20th century, immigrants came to the U.S. for one primary reason. From the Irish immigrants who poured into the industrial north in the mid-19th century to the eastern Europeans of the early 20th century and the Mexican and Latin American immigrants of the late 20th century, the American Dream has been the primary motivation." This passage explains the primary motivation for immigration as:

Correct! Wrong!

After the Boston Tea Party, the British closed Boston harbor with which of the following Acts of Parliament?

Correct! Wrong!

The Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland established that:

Correct! Wrong!

Alexander Graham Bell invented the:

Correct! Wrong!

The sweeping legislative agenda that Franklin Roosevelt proposed to aid Americans during the Depression was called:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following military conflicts was the occasion for the War Powers Act to be passed?

Correct! Wrong!

The famous colonial patriot who authored the convincing pro-independence pamphlet, Common Sense was:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following was most responsible for the rising population trends between 1870 and 1910?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following was a RESULT of the civil rights movement?

Correct! Wrong!

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" was stated by:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following Constitutional Amendments illustrated the success of the suffrage campaign?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following actions of Thomas Jefferson represented a vast departure from his philosophy of strict construction?

Correct! Wrong!

What geographic feature would have prevented the early English colonizers from moving further west, to the interior of North America?

Correct! Wrong!

After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, the U.S. removed Japanese Americans to which of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

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